
From involving whistleblowers to experts, brainstorming through Delhi Dialogue helped AAP employ citizen-centric approach encouraging self-governance

Editor’s Note: This is

The policy problems and governance solutions were further spread through the party’s political organisation of volunteers as well as conventional media and digital media reaching unprecedented scale, engaging over six million people online and eight million people offline for over three months. This shaped a manifesto that reflected ‘the reality on the ground’ as much as possible.

The final two outputs were two documents: a political and punchy

The Government of Delhi has a clear focus on public engagement in decision-making and outcomes in budgeting. Partnership arrangements have been established within government agencies and with non-government organisations to overcome traditional governance challenges. These enable the effective delivery of services to the citizens of Delhi.

Sustainability has been brought to the forefront through innovative governance arrangements, green budgeting processes and investment of political will. This has enabled transformational climate actions to be implemented in the sectors of water, energy, environment, public infrastructure and mobility. All of this change whilst the government has invested 40 percent of its budget and a large corpus of its political machinery and mass outreach around health and education. Public appraisal under heavy ecosystem challenges lies ahead in a week or so. I can only hope that Delhi’s citizens can see the city they’ve begun co-creating with some common citizens.

The author has been a volunteer with Aam Aadmi Party and advisor in the Delhi Government since 2014. He holds two graduate degrees in public policy and engineering from Stanford University and was formerly an RA with MIT JPAL.