
Welp, it looks like Antarctica broke its temperature record

Globally, high-temperature records are absolutely dominating low-temperature records. Now, an Argentinian research station just observed Antarctica’s warmest temperature on record: a balmy 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 Celsius).

Like all of today’s toppled high-temperature records, Earth’s relentlessly warming climate doesn’t create heat waves or warm weather events — but it boosts or enhances them. Researchers at Argentina’s Esperanza research station observed the record-setting temperature on Thursday. The base opened in 1952.

“Everything we have seen thus far indicates a likely legitimate record but we will of course begin a formal evaluation of the record once we have full data from SMN [El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional] and on the meteorological conditions surrounding the event,” Randal Cerveny, an expert in climate extremes at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), said in a statement. Read more…

More about Science, Weather, Global Warming, Antarctica, and Climate Change