
The Ultimate Valentine’s Day list of adult entertainment, toys & gadgets to try

Candy is dandy,

liquor may be quicker.

but sex doesn’t rot your teeth.

Whether you’re a once-a-year, twice-a-month or thrice daily kind of person, sex is basal. You can imagine it, read about it, listen to it, watch it, experience it, and perform it. And whichever way you choose to go with it, sex can be amazing fun if done right.

We’ve scoured the internet to bring you a carefully-curated list [;)] of shows, series, podcasts, literature, toys and gadgets that willing, consensual couples can play with this Valentine’s Day.

Adult Entertainment

Virtual Reality. Virtual reality is the evolution of watching adult entertainment in the 2D format we know only too well. The adult content on offer in VR is very realistic and immersive, but it hasn’t been personalised for a global audience yet. So you’ll have to get used to seeing yourself in a tanned and chiseled six-pack even if you don’t have one.

The world of VR entertainment is growing slow, but it is growing. What you will need to do to sample it, though, is invest in some foreplay (the headset). We’d recommend the ’, ’ has audio versions of the books above and many other erotic short stories. It even has a bunch of them narrated by our very own Sunny Leone.

An absolute must-try erotica app is | Rs 2,700

Imported maal:  Rs 3,550

At the end of the day, consensual sex can always be fantastic and pleasurable. But no amount of reading, watching or playing with sex toys is a replacement for an open and honest chat with your partner (if you have one) about their likes, dislikes, and no-go areas, sexually speaking.

Also, I don’t know about you, but nothing turns on my partner more than having my phone in a different room altogether when it’s just us. Nothing kills the vibe you’ve got going on Valentine’s Day faster than your phone going off right next to both of you.

Here’s hoping at least a few of the recommendations here add some spice to any sexy plans you may have for the holiday and thereafter.

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!

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