
Your Gmail inbox could soon look very different thanks to new auto-tagging

A new Gmail feature that tags and bundles your emails together automatically based on their content could make your inbox much easier to navigate.

Researchers at 9to5Google delved into the install files for Gmail’s Android app, and discovered references to a new tool that would apply labels and group messages without you having to create special filters first.

Gmail’s labels are a handy tool for sorting your messages, and have a lot of advantages over the more tradition system of folders for organizing emails. You don’t have to move a message out of your main inbox to apply a label, you can apply multiple labels to one message, and you can create custom filters so certain messages are labelled automatically.

However, creating these filters can be time-consuming, and sometimes it’s tricky to know the best way to identify the messages you want to tag.

Freshly filtered

While delving into the Gmail Android application package (APK), 9to5Google discovered evidence of labels that would be applied automatically for ‘purchases’ and ‘travel’.

These messages would be bundled together, providing a convenient way to find all your receipts, dispatch notifications, invoices and travel tickets without any time-consuming setup. The APK contains neat icons for travel and shopping to help you identify them at a glance.

Hints like these are often a good indication of upcoming features, and although this automatic tagging isn’t certain to appear in a future update, it seems like a sensible addition that could make life much easier for shopaholics and frequent travellers.