
Free online science resources for when you’ve all but given up on being your kid’s science teacher

It’s an understatement to say that many parents are extremely stressed-out right now. The pandemic has forced those who have school-aged kids to become teachers, even as some still work full-time. Suzannah Zachos, my cousin, has three children all under the age of 14. She says Sunday nights have taken on a new meaning.

“The Sunday night beast creeps up somewhere around 5 p.m. and begins to grow through bedtime,” she wrote in a text message. “It is the fear of the unknown week ahead, the concern that I cannot balance my own (pandemic-dictated) WFH job alongside three students’ full course load, multiple Zoom calls a day per kid (where we have to tiptoe around so we don’t disrupt), three full meals for five people… on top of being terrified of getting sick.” Read more…

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