
My partner and I spend $40 a week at Aldi. Here are 17 things we love to buy and how we use them.

Shredded cheese is a must for tacos, grilled cheese, and eggs.

Happy Farm’s thick-cut shredded cheddar is a must in our household.

A bag costs $2.19, and it’s great for melting onto option to pair with any meal, especially at $2.09 a bag.

As an impatient cook, I simply throw this mix in a pan with a dash of olive oil and cook until it’s sizzling.

The water chestnuts are a nice touch — I never buy the crunchy vegetables on their own, but I love eating them.

Frozen ground turkey: $2.75
I absolutely love peanut butter.


A $1.99 bar of Moser Roth’s 85% dark chocolate is always in our fridge. Paired with a glass of cabernet, it’s the perfect treat.