
9 people have sued Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs for sexual assault in 8 months. Here’s a timeline of the allegations against him.

Sean “Diddy” Combs.

On May 28, Rolling Stone published an investigation into Combs after interviewing his former friends, colleagues, and artists at his label, Bad Boy Records. The report featured new allegations against Combs, but he has not been sued in relation to these alleged incidents.

Three unnamed women who claimed they attended Howard University with Combs said they witnessed him assaulting a woman on campus.

The mother and two close friends of Shakir Stewart, a music executive who died in 2008, told Rolling Stone that Combs broke a chair over Stewart’s head in 2000. They said Combs attacked him because Stewart tried to date Combs’ ex-girlfriend, Kim Porter.

Kirk Burrowes, the former president of Bad Boy Records, and Felicia Newsome, the first manager of Bad Boy’s recording studio, claimed that Combs attacked an unnamed woman inside the label’s offices in 1994 and they had to pull the rapper off her.

Another woman, who went by the pseudonym of Anna, told Rolling Stone that Combs tried to solicit her for sex while she was working as a freelance graphic designer for Bad Boy Records in 2001.

Davis, Combs’ attorney, told Rolling Stone in a statement that the rapper refused to respond to the new allegations.

“Mr. Combs cannot comment on settled litigation, will not comment on pending litigation, and cannot address every allegation picked up by the press from any source, no matter how unreliable,” Davis said. “We are aware that the proper authorities are conducting a thorough investigation and therefore have confidence any important issues will be addressed in the proper forum, where the rules distinguish facts from fiction.”

Representatives for Combs did not respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.

May 29, 2024: CNN reports that Combs’ case may be brought before a federal grand jury.
Adria English accuses Combs (center) of forcing her to have sex with guests at the rapper’s “white party” annual event, according to LA Times.

On Wednesday, multiple outlets reported that pornstar Adria English had filed a lawsuit against Combs that day, accusing him of a number of allegations, including sex trafficking and sexual assault.

The LA Times reported English claimed Combs forced her to have sex with guests, including celebrity jeweler Jacob Arabo, while she worked for Combs at his high-profile parties in Miami and New York between 2004 and 2009.

English said Combs threatened to “blackball” her from the entertainment industry if she did not engage in sex work at the parties. English said she went back to California in 2009 to escape Combs.

A representative for Combs and Arabo did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BI

Davis, Combs’ attorney, has denied the allegations in a statement to multiple outlets.

“We live in a world where anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason and without any proof. Fortunately, a fair and impartial judicial process exists to find the truth and Mr. Combs is confident he will prevail against these and other baseless claims in court,” Davis told The LA Times.

Correction: May 24, 2024 — An earlier version of this story misstated the date that Cassie Ventura spoke out. It was May 23, 2024, not May 23, 2023.