
Netflix’s ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ examines the murders of Jack the Ripper. Meet four men suspected of being the notorious serial killer.

Montague John Druitt and Aaron Kosminski are two Jack the Ripper suspects.

  • The first episode of Netflix’s “Unsolved Mysteries” looks at British serial killer, Jack the Ripper.
  • The infamous murderer killed five women in London in 1888.
  • He seemingly disappeared after the string of killings, but the series looks at four suspects.

, John George Littlechild, ex-detective chief inspector of the London Metropolitan Police, considered Tumblety a suspect.

A YouTube video on Tumblety, Macnaghten concluded that Kosminski was a misogynist — although he doesn’t state why — but said that his hatred of women made him a suspect.

“This man became insane owing to many years indulgence in solitary vices. He had a great hatred of women, especially of the prostitute class, & had strong homicidal tendencies; he was removed to a lunatic asylum about March 1889,” he wrote.

It’s unclear what hard evidence the authorities had to suspect Kosminski. However, he was admitted to Colney Hatch Asylum in 1890 after threatening his sister with a knife, according to Casebook.

He was moved to Leavesden Asylum in 1894, and stayed there until his death in 1919.

In 2014, author Russell Edwards claimed that he had proof that Kosminski was Jack the Ripper thanks to a bloody shawl found at one of the murder scenes. He said that the DNA samples found on the scarf matched the living relatives of both Kosminski and the victim, The Independent reported.

However, Ripper expert Richard Cobb told The Times that the age of the shawl made it impossible to determine Kosminski’s guilt because it could have been contaminated over the last century.