
A 91-year-old interior designer still plays golf. She shared her three secrets to longevity.

Mainzer’s longevity tips include staying active.

Step out of your comfort zone

“Don’t be afraid to try new things,” Mainzer said. “Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s not going to come knocking at your door, you have to go after it.”

Since moving into her senior living community, Mainzer has tried a variety of new things. She paints every Saturday and plays bridge three times a week.

Learning new things creates new connections in our brains, which helps keep them active, Heidi Tissenbaum, a molecular, cell, and cancer biology professor at the University of Massachusetts, previously told BI. This is thought to be key for healthy aging.

Meet new people

Mainzer doesn’t just play golf for the exercise, she also likes how it helps her meet new people.

When trying new things and finding yourself in new situations, she said, “don’t be afraid to feel alone” because meeting new people can “broaden your horizons.”

Professor Rose Anne Kenny, a gerontologist at Trinity College Dublin, previously said that positive social relationships are just as important for longevity as more obvious factors such as a healthy diet or regular exercise.

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