
Fortnite is coming back to the iPhone after a 4-year ban — but just in Europe. Apple will fight to keep it that way.

Apple, for its part, says it’s just following the regulator’s orders. “The [new European law] required us to enable new capabilities for developers in the EU, and we have worked to make them as easy as possible for users while also trying to protect their privacy and security,” the company says via email.

The only thing that’s really clear about Friday’s news is that this fight is going to go on for quite some time: There are a handful of companies, like Epic and Spotify, which have the resources and incentives to really push on Apple’s App Store policies, and they seem to have found some sympathetic ears from regulators around the world.

But those App Store policies generate an enormous amount of money for Apple, and that money is more valuable than ever as Apple’s core iPhone business slows. So Apple has made it clear that it’s going to move as slowly on this stuff as it can.

Read the original article on Business Insider