
Photos from the Ocean Photographer of the Year awards show the beauty and fragility of underwater wildlife

A Pacific octopus in Russia.

Clayton Harris caught the moment a humpback whale emerged from the ocean in New South Wales, Australia.
A polar bear in Svalbard.

Jake Wilton got lucky with a rare sighting of a leucistic green turtle in Papua New Guinea.
An octopus in South Africa.

When Laura Leusko took this photo of mobula rays in Mexico, some of the rays started jumping out of the water as the drone approached.
A mahi-mahi in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Merche Llobera’s photo captures the circle of life as pelicans, sea lions, mahi-mahi, and sardines seek their next meal in Mexico.
Walruses in the Arctic Circle.

Nataya Chonecadeedumrongkul provided a glimpse inside a hingebeak shrimp colony in the hollow of a barrel sponge in Koh Haa, Thailand.
A marine iguana in Galápagos Islands, Ecuador.

Shane Gross spotted peppered moray eels searching for food at low tide on D’Arros Island in the Seychelles.
A leatherback turtle in Algarve, Portugal.

In Papua New Guinea, Noam Kortler photographed a fisherman in a traditional canoe catching sardines.
A dead sperm whale in Norway.

Tanya Houppermans photographed scientists conducting an ultrasound on a pregnant tiger shark in the Bahamas.
Divers in Bab al-Mandab Strait, Djibouti.

Yue Hongjun captured a freediver swimming with a school of sardines in the Philippines.
Fishermen in Fujian, China.

Brook Peterson documented the stunning colors of a coral reef in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
Juvenile rays in the Seychelles.

Edwar Herreño Parra’s photo shows a whale shark swimming under a research ship appropriately named the Sharkwater in Costa Rica.
Clownfish in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Henley Spiers photographed a marine biologist working on a coral restoration project in the Maldives.
Coral restoration in Bali, Indonesia.

Matty Smith documented a White’s seahorse swimming in Australia’s Sydney Harbor.
A Southern stingray in the Bahamas.

Shane Gross documented the release of a green sea turtle after researchers accidentally caught it while working with sharks in the Seychelles.
Clownfish eggs in Lembeh, Indonesia.

In this photo by Tom Shlesinger, corals released egg and sperm bundles into the sea in Israel.
A coral reef in Israel.