
A summer day in the life of a mom of 11, from slow mornings and new hobbies to late-night laundry

A simple summer lunch tastes better when eaten on a blanket outside.

Each summer, we revamp our annual meal plan. “Snacky lunch” was on the menu today, so I set out various cheeses, crackers, lunch meats, and other odds and ends from the pantry.

Everyone filled a plate, and we ate outside in the sunshine.

After lunch, we played a game called Fire in the Forest together outside.

1 to 3:00 p.m.: Quiet time
My kids like to burn off some energy before bed.

After dinner, we headed back outside to enjoy the last of the sunshine. Some of the kids played a fun game of tag, and the rest of us cheered them on and chatted.

Afterward, we did a quick cleanup and started preparing for bed. My husband helped the younger kids while I cared for our son with . I set out my clothes, threw a load of laundry in, and loaded a few final dishes into the dishwasher.

These tasks don’t take long, but they help the next day go more smoothly.

Then, it was time for me to head to bed. Since I start my summer days early, I try to turn in at a decent hour to ensure I have the energy I need for the next morning.