
When my kids are grumpy, I stick to the basics. A protein-filled snack, bath, or outside time almost always works.

The author will often try getting her sons to nap.

Copper won’t nap; he will lie down and hold his eyes open with his hands. He is often overly tired at night because he won’t nap, even if he needs it. However, Colt will fall asleep in minutes after a tantrum. He knows he’s overly tired and succumbs to a cozy spot, and napping often does the trick.

Taking kids outside always works, even at night

Even as an adult, I can get cranky if I’m inside for too long. Kids don’t yet know this about themselves, so it’s up to their caregivers to ensure they have enough outside time and fresh air to help keep them regulated.

Just a few weeks ago, I took Copper outside to calm down. It was after bedtime, and he was exhausted and could not calm down. I call taking the kids out at night my Hail Mary trick because it almost always seems to work.

I held him on my hip and walked outside to look at the stars, just like when he was a baby. The change was instant. He listened to the crickets, pointed at the moon, and breathed in the fresh air. It was a moment of peace that I needed as much as he did. We stood that way for about five minutes, at which point I asked if he was ready to go get into bed, and he said yes.

I hadn’t done this with him in years, but it was what he needed at that moment, and it worked just as well as I had remembered. Holding him was more difficult, but that was an added layer of comfort that he wanted at that time, and I was happy to provide it, even though he’s now nearly half of my weight. (A lanky kid, he is also able to hold on with his long legs, so that helped save my back … a little.)

I’m thankful these types of meltdowns are infrequent, but as they do occur, I have my trusty fixes to help, simple and effective.

Read the original article on Business Insider