
I went to Venice for the first time. I loved it, but I won’t go back due to the massive crowds.

Foundational damage from high tides in the canals.

I loved the gondola tour (no judgment!). Floating through the canals was relaxing and gave me a different perspective of the city despite the obstructed views by other boats in the water.

But some of these sights evoked a sadness in me. The tides weren’t high when I visited, exposing erosion at the bases of homes.

I saw them from inches away and spotted building foundations restored by beams.

Most of the stores I saw were touristy gift shops.
People wait in line to enter a bookstore in Venice.

I imagined wandering the store aimlessly, as I often do in bookstores.

But as soon as I saw the line to enter, I had a feeling that the experience wouldn’t meet my expectations.

Unfortunately, many other tourists had the same idea.
Clusters of tourists on a Venetian coast.

I’m glad I went to Venice, but I don’t plan on returning. After seeing the damage mass tourism causes, I don’t want to be a part of it.