
I got laid off from Snap after 20 years in tech. I was shocked but quickly became excited.

Frischmann and his wife in Vietnam.

We terminated our lease, put everything in storage, and took off just a week and a half after receiving the layoff notice.

Snap gave me a severance package, but I was already prepared for a change

Thanks to prior planning and savings, we weren’t concerned about immediate financial stability, job security, or the severance package itself.

Snap’s support was within industry norms, enabling me to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration soon after receiving notice. Leaving so quickly wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our LA friends, who helped us in many ways.

These friends let us keep valuable items at their places, assisted with moving, checked in on us regularly, and even offered us a place to stay before we left — and when we should return.

Frischmann and his wife at the Amalfi Coast in Italy.

Instead of using them to gain knowledge or improve their lives, people often spend time on irrelevant content just for entertainment. This isn’t bad in general, but this seems out of balance for most people.

My business idea — LatteLink — was partly inspired by my observations during my trip. I reconnected with many friends, and while it’s great to see how paths are changing, it’s also very sad to realize that we’re losing touch with old friends so quickly.

This period of travel isn’t just a break but a quest for new ventures and opportunities

I originally wanted to build an app where users could connect locally, like in a coffee shop, but I’ve shifted focus to creating a kind of personal customer relationship management (CRM) system to maintain meaningful relationships beyond social media and provide valuable tools for individuals, not just businesses.

In my friend circle, fewer and fewer people are using social media. My current project aims to help maintain meaningful relationships through regular check-ins and updates.

Frischmann and his wife standing in a rice field in Bali, Indonesia.

I came up with this idea as I struggled to keep up with all my connections. While traveling, I met an old work colleague, and it turned out we both lived two years in the same city but never met.

Traveling also helped me zoom out and see the bigger picture, not just the tunnel view of tech. For example, I’m about to invest in a real estate project for tourism, which I’d never thought of doing before — my focus was 100% on tech.

Looking back, I see the layoff as a pivotal, positive turning point for me

It’s been an opportunity for growth and exploration. It’s also allowed me to engage with the world in new ways, like going to a coffee shop during the week and talking to people.

Traveling with my wife has been rewarding for both of us. We don’t have a formal plan; we just have a loose checklist we’re trying to complete for now, which gives us a sense of adventure and adaptability.

I’m excited to see where this path of exploration — both of the world and of myself — leads.

If you were laid off from a tech company and want to share your story, please email Manseen Logan at

Read the original article on Business Insider