
7 actors on the shocking toll losing weight for roles took on their bodies and minds

Hugh Jackman at the 2024 US Open, and a behind-the-scenes photo of him shirtless as Wolverine.

  • Actors often go to drastic lengths to change their physiques for roles.
  • But getting so lean can involve strict diets and working out can become like a full-time job. 
  • Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, and Kumail Nanjani have spoken out about how hard it can be.

One of the talking points around huge comic book movies and Oscar-baiting dramas is often around how much weight an actor has gained or lost to bring their character to life.

Many stars see it as a dedication to their craft, that they feel like they have to physically look a certain way to embody a character or a person to the best of their ability. 

However, it can be extremely difficult to achieve specific weight gain and loss at either end of the spectrum, and a number of stars like Hugh Jackman, Cillian Murphy, and Paul Rudd have opened up about what it’s like putting the work in for the big screen.

Getting in shape to play Wolverine was a full-time job for Hugh Jackman.
Paul Rudd plays Scott Lang in the “Ant-Man” movies.

Paul Rudd went on such a restrictive diet while preparing to play Ant-Man that sparkling water was considered a reward, he said.

“That’s how horrible that diet was. I was like, ‘Ugh alright. I’m going to have some sparkling water now. I’ve earned it,'” Rudd said on the “Off Menu” podcast.

Rudd struggled with comparing himself to other Marvel actors such as “Thor” star Chris Hemsworth.

“I think I worked out harder than anyone, I would eat better than everyone, and I looked worse than all of them,” Rudd said. “I had to work out all the time, eat perfectly, just to look kind of bad. Not even great.”

Cillian Murphy ate as little as he could to lose weight for “Oppenheimer.”
Kumail Nanjiani with wife Emily Gordon in October 2018 and at the end of 2019.

In 2019, Nanjiani lost weight for his role in Marvel’s “Eternals” by cutting out carbs.

“You work out every day and you sort of learn to enjoy it, but the diet is the hardest thing,” Nanjiani said. “I have not had pizza or a donut in over a year. I’ve had no refined sugar in a year, I’ve had almost no carbs at all.”

But the process worsened his already negative body image and relationship with food.

“I’ve always had a weird relationship with food. I’ve always had guilt or regret associated with it. I’ve always used food as a punishment or as a reward,” he told NPR.

“I didn’t really start thinking about it or trying to come to terms with it until after I was done with ‘Eternals,’ because doing ‘Eternals’ brought a lot of those issues up to the surface. I realized after that that I thought about food in a specific kind of way that I needed to explore and revisit.”

Afterwards he forced himself to eat “unhealthy amounts of unhealthy food” to help him change his mindset, he said.

Zac Efron said getting shredded for “Baywatch” damaged both his mental and physical health.

Speaking to Kelly Clarkson in 2022, Channing Tatum said he was reluctant to make a third “Magic Mike” movie because getting into shape for the role is so tough.

“It’s hard to look like that,” he said. “Even if you do work out, to be that kind of in shape is not natural. That’s not even healthy. You have to starve yourself. I don’t think when you’re that lean, it’s actually healthy… I don’t know how people who work a 9 to 5 actually stay in shape because it’s my full-time job, and I can barely do it.”

Brendan Fraser was so “starved of carbohydrates” while filming “George of the Jungle” that his brain “was misfiring.”
Brendan Fraser and Leslie Mann in “George of the Jungle” (1997).

Brendan Fraser said he was so starved of carbohydrates for his eponymous role in “George of the Jungle” in 1997 that he forgot his bank PIN. 

“I was waxed. Starved of carbohydrates,” he said. “I would drive home after work and stop to get something to eat. I needed some cash one day, and I went to the ATM, and I couldn’t remember my PIN number because my brain was misfiring. Banging on the thing. I didn’t eat that night.”

Carbohydrates are essential for brain function, and brain fog can be a result of not consuming enough, dietitian Nichola Ludlam-Raine previously told Insider.

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