
I was born and raised in Hawaii. Here are 8 things tourists should stop wasting money on.

There are a few things I wouldn’t recommend tourists spend money on, including fake leis and matching outfits.

  • As someone born and raised in Hawaii, I’ve seen tourists spend money on things that aren’t worth it.
  • Some sunscreens and cheap beach toys can be harmful to the local environment.
  • Skip the fake leis and imported souvenirs and support locally-owned businesses instead.
Support locally-owned businesses instead of visiting chain restaurants.
I always avoid sunscreens with oxybenzone or octinoxate.

In 2021, the state legislature passed a law banning the sale of sunscreens made with the reef-damaging chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate — but these can still be found in some shops in Hawaii. 

Spending money on products that are harmful to the islands’ natural ecosystems can negatively affect the environment and locals. The long-term effects oxybenzone and octinoxate can have aren’t worth the price, even if sunscreens made with these chemicals are a bit cheaper.

I strongly recommend helping to protect the land you’re visiting and only using reef-safe sunscreen, especially if it comes in a reusable or recyclable bottle.

Skip the fake lei and opt for real flowers instead.
I’d rather buy from a local artist than pick up memorabilia sold at gift shops.

There are tons of trinkets that solely serve as cheap replicas of the real thing. For example, the Tiki is an iconic cultural and spiritual symbol that represents Polynesian deities but tourists can purchase a cheap iteration from the convenience store.

These trinkets are usually imported to the islands and made of synthetic materials instead of hand-carved wood, which takes away from the totem’s mana, or power.

Though it may be more expensive, it’s worth purchasing the work from a local artist who has spent years honing their craft.

Matching outfits have the potential to be cute but often look tacky.
Popular attractions that are overcrowded and cost a lot of money aren’t worth it.

Each island has attractions that draw huge crowds but, in my opinion, don’t add much value to a vacation. I’ve even regretted visiting a few popular attractions because I thought they were overcrowded, underwhelming, and expensive to get into.

If the gift shop takes up the majority of the venue, you’ve probably been sucked into a tourist trap that will try to siphon your money without providing much value in return.

Don’t buy beach toys that will end up being thrown away.
I recommend grabbing a drink from an off-site bar and securing a safe ride back.

The cocktails at the hotel bars are notoriously overpriced. “Upgraded” beverages served in a coconut or pineapple are photo-worthy, but I think paying nearly $40 for one drink is outrageous.

That said, part of the drink’s value lies in the experience itself, especially if you’re enjoying it poolside.

However, if you just want to get a mai tai before dinner or have a night out at a bar, it’s more cost-effective to seek off-property options.

This story was originally published on October 9, 2022, and most recently updated on September 10, 2024.

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