
My dad sacrificed everything to retire early — only to die before he could enjoy it. I’ll never recommend early retirement to anyone.

Rebekah Sanderlin saw how early retirement and ultra-frugality made her father’s life tiny prior to his death at 58.

  • Rebekah Sanderlin’s father lived frugally, saving money and working hard his entire life.
  • He retired early at age 50 but lived in a “monastic frugality prison” before dying from cancer at 58.
  • Sanderlin has inherited some of her father’s frugal ways but feels that no one should retire early.

My father was always a thrifty guy, and he tried — mostly unsuccessfully — to pass that trait along to me and my siblings.

When I was six years old, he gave me a small lidded basket to save the money I earned from the Tooth Fairy and doing chores. When my basket got full, he took a very disappointed me to the bank to put it all in a savings account. According to a story my parents loved to tell, I exclaimed, “But I’ve already saved it! Now it’s time to spend it!”

My dad lived a frugal lifestyle

Working hard and is a freelance journalist, copywriter, screenwriter, and marketing strategist.

If you retired early and would like to share your story, email Jane Zhang at janezhang@businessinsider.com.

Read the original article on Business Insider
