
Why these 7 Republican senators still aren’t endorsing Trump

Much like Collins, Murkowski is a more moderate Republican senator — one who voted to convict Trump after January 6.

Earlier this year, she made clear that she would not vote for Trump in 2024, and seemed to indicate an openness to leaving the GOP. She later clarified that she felt that she’s “in the right place” as a Republican.

Murkowski wrote in another name in 2020, declining to say who. She also did not support him in 2016.

Despite her opposition to Trump, she’s managed to survive politically in her conservative-leaning home state of Alaska, winning reelection against a Trump-backed candidate in 2022.

Sen. Rand Paul

The Utah Republican and 2012 presidential candidate, who’s retiring from the Senate in January, is perhaps the most anti-Trump GOP voice in the upper chamber.

He voted to convict Trump not once, but twice — for inciting an insurrection in 2021, and for abusing his power in 2020 in connection with his efforts to pressure Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden’s family.

Romney says he did not vote for Trump in 2020, though he has declined to say who he did vote for. Last year, Romney said that if the 2024 election were to be a rematch between Biden and Trump, he would do the same thing he did in 2016: Write in his wife, Ann.

But this election isn’t a rematch after all: It’s Harris versus Trump.

When asked if he might endorse Harris in September, he told a reporter that he’s “got nothing more on that front,” adding “we’ll see” if he writes in Ann Romney again.

Sen. Todd Young

The Indiana senator is an interesting case: He didn’t vote to impeach Trump, but he doesn’t seem to be a big fan of the former president either.

In March, he said he would not support Trump during the 2024 GOP presidential primary.

Yet unlike most of the other Republicans on this list, he’s largely refused to discuss his vote any further.

In September, he told reporters that he’ll “talk to you after the election” when asked about the debate between Harris and Trump.