
A new tool shows what the climate crisis could feel like in your city

In Bengaluru, India’s fifth-most-populous city, extreme heat has caused severe water shortages and surging energy demand. Under 1.5 degrees of warming, heat waves could last about 13 days on average and stretch to nearly 38 days as global temperatures rise, WRI found. Bengaluru last year launched its first climate-action plan, which includes planting trees and expanding green spaces to help cool down urban centers.

An enormous outbreak of dengue fever is underway in Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro, peak days for transmission of mosquito-borne illnesses could increase from 69 to 118 a year, WRI found. The city is investing in vaccines, and community health workers are hunting down places that help mosquitoes breed, including standing water, to reduce risks.

Meanwhile, places that haven’t had to consider cooling strategies are now being forced to, including the US Pacific Northwest. Seattle was once the least-air-conditioned city. Now it ranks second behind San Francisco after a series of deadly heat waves prompted residents to install AC. The trend is playing out in cities that are already hot, too, like Tehran, Iran, and Marrakech, Morocco, and spiking energy demand along the way. If that demand is met with fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal, it could exacerbate the climate crisis, WRI said.

WRI noted that there are limitations to its research, in part because there are a lot of unknowns about the future. National governments and cities can slow the climate crisis and protect people from its impacts, including by shifting away from fossil fuels and investing in infrastructure that’s more resilient to heat and storms.

“Our findings are not a foregone conclusion,” Mackres said. “These are choices we have between 1.5 and 3 degrees of warming, and none are out of the realm of possibility. It’s really important that national decision-makers understand the impacts on cities and the actions that cities can take to both reduce climate change and to adapt to what’s coming.”

You can explore the data for your city here.

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