
I’m a retired pilot who worked for royalty. I had no idea how the rich spent their money.

Kent Davis flew Prince Al Waleed bin Talal (pictured) and his family around the world.

If you have never lived and worked with somebody who is that wealthy, you have no idea about how they spend their money. It was unbelievable.

He owned a bunch of his own airplanes, including an Airbus A340 and a Boeing 767.

When I got to Riyadh and took my first flight on the A340, the prince insisted that the other airplane fly empty in case we had a mechanical problem. This would happen regularly.

It was mind-boggling to see how much money could buy.

When the prince’s daughter got married, he said to her, “Okay, I’m going to give you one of my airplanes and the crew, and I want you to take it for as long as you want and have a honeymoon.”

They took the Boeing 767, an airplane that carried more than 200 passengers. With a crew of 12, his daughter and her husband spent more than a month flying all over the world.

The crew very seldom dealt with the prince directly; there would usually be an intermediary. This changed during a flight to New York for a meeting he had with George W. Bush.

The prince walked into the cockpit and gave everybody $5,000. He said: “Have a nice time while you’re in New York.”

It was peanuts to him, but for us, it was a lot of money.

After leaving Riyadh in 2006, I worked for a few different companies, including a two-year stint with Air India.

In 2013, I was offered a job in the Republic of Georgia, flying a Twin Otter aircraft. It was a very versatile and excellent airplane for what we used it for.

We flew the country’s president, his family, and other government personnel into and out of the Greater Caucasus Mountains. There were very few strips, so we used fields and roads to land and take off.

I’m mostly retired now, except for some consulting work with my company, Trans Global Aviation Solutions.

The best thing about the career is the career itself. It was very rewarding — and there was never a dull moment.

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