
How to eat carbs without spiking your blood sugar, according to a nutrition researcher

To enjoy a delicious sandwich while managing your blood sugar, just have it on whole grain bread with some protein and take a real break to enjoy it.

Eat earlier in the day (and avoid nighttime snacking)

Some of the research Berry is most excited about suggests that when you eat matters for blood sugar, too.

A recent ZOE study found that people had a more moderate response in blood sugar when they ate a meal for breakfast, but a larger blood sugar response to the same meal when they ate it later in the day.

That supports growing research that our circadian rhythm can affect our metabolism. Previous research suggests eating too late at night can set you up for higher risk of certain health issues, too.

“This fits in with the kind of data that we are seeing that people who are late night snackers tend to have a higher BMI tend to have poorer cardiovascular health, tend to have higher circulating blood glucose,” Berry said.

Take a short walk after meals

Another way to manage your blood sugar is to get moving, since exercise helps use up stored energy and makes you more sensitive to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar.

One study found that walking for just two to five minutes after you eat can lower your blood sugar.

Get enough sleep (seriously)

No, you’re not dreaming — getting some shuteye can help you enjoy carbs more healthfully. That’s because too little sleep can raise your blood sugar. It can also make you more vulnerable to cravings and overeating, research suggests.

“If you have poor night’s sleep, you have a higher blood sugar response compared to if you have a good night’s sleep. So you set yourself up on this rollercoaster,” Berry said.

It’s a good reminder that blood sugar is about more than what we eat, but all our habits and even parts of our identity like age and sex can play a role.

“We are starting to get a beautiful puzzle coming together because what controls our blood glucose is so complex. It’s who we are, how we eat, how we feel, our lifestyle, et cetera,” she said.

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