
The biggest mistakes beginners make when traveling in an RV, according to RV lifers who have traveled to all 50 states

Marc and Julie Bennett have written two books on RV life.

  • Julie and Marc Bennett shared common mistakes people make when new to RV life.
  • They discussed how to select the right RV and properly take it on an adventure.
  • The couple also had tips and tricks for common mishaps, like jumping straight into a big trip.

Over the past decade, Marc and Julie Bennett have driven 100,000 miles through all 50 states.

Julie and Marc traveled across the US in an RV together before writing two books on the subject: “RV Hacks” and “Living the RV Life.”

The couple has seen other RV lifers make mistakes when starting the lifestyle, from choosing their vehicle to taking it off the grid

Marc and Julie Bennett told Business Insider that many newbies to RV life don’t research enough before buying their new home on wheels.
A big RV.

“I think another mistake people make is that they feel like they need the biggest RV because they have a large home,” Marc said. “I think a better approach would be to choose the smallest RV that you feel you can be comfortable in.”

Julie said another big mistake is driving RVs immediately off the lot into a big trip because it’s rare that the mobile home will be in perfect working condition.
Marc drives the RV.

First off, it’s not going to drive like a car, they said. It’s bigger, so you have to do everything slower, including turning and breaking. 

The couple recommends practicing parking and maneuvering the RV in an empty lot before taking it on an adventure. 

Marc and Julie also said that when you’re driving an RV, you can’t rely on a navigation system meant for regular cars. 

“RVs are longer, taller, wider, and they carry propane, which isn’t allowed in a lot of tunnels,” Julie said. “So there’s a lot of restrictions on roads, especially in the Northeast.”

In an RV, you need to check the tire pressure more frequently than in lighter vehicles, Marc said.
Too much weight in an RV can mess with your tires.

Julie said another common RV mistake is not being aware of the cargo-carrying capacity, which is on a yellow sticker on an inside door of the vehicle. 

“By the time you load people, pets, clothes, and food and then fill up your water tank and fuel tanks, it’s very easy to reach or exceed the safe cargo-carrying limit in an RV,” she said.

Exceeding the safe limit can lead to a blown-out tire, she added.

Don’t go off the grid before testing your RV’s water tanks and battery life.
A group loads up an RV for a trip.

“You don’t need as much stuff as you think,” Julie said. “You’ll probably end up wearing the same shirt, shorts, and flip-flops or hiking shoes every day.” 

The couple advises against going to a campground without reservations.
Marc and Julie drive through Badlands National Park in South Dakota.

If your navigation says the trip will take four hours, plan for five, Julie said. 

“We always like to allow an extra 20% as a buffer,” she said. “You need to stop and have a break, use the restroom, have something to eat or drink. It’s a lot more physically tiring to drive an RV than a regular vehicle.”

Don’t make the mistake of overplanning your trip, Julie said.
A person uses their phone to navigate.

Julie said to avoid relying solely on your phone to get you where you need to go. 

“You could be driving in an area where you don’t have cellular coverage, and therefore, your routing may not be working,” she said. “You can download your map or just carry a paper atlas.”

If you misuse the waste tanks, you’ll be dealing with a smelly mess, according to Marc and Julie.
An RV parked in Death Valley in Eastern California.

Keep an eye on the weather not only where you are and where you’re going, but also everywhere in between, the couple said.

If it’s windy, try stopping for a bit. You’re in a home on wheels, after all. 

“Try to avoid driving in winds,” Julie added. “It’s more dangerous, stressful, physically fatiguing to drive an RV in windy conditions.”

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