
The funniest wildlife photos of the year

“Holding On For A Ride.”

“After a nap, the mother brown bear wanted to go for a walk, but the cubs wanted a ride,” Fine wrote.

“Peekaboo” by Alexander Fine
“Hello World.”

“It was hard to take this image because of the fast-moving ant, but with a little help from a flashlight, I was able to freeze the motion,” Pansier wrote.

“In Love” by Andrea Rosado
“England Cricket’s Latest Secret Weapon.”

“I took this photo of a dancing sifaka in Madagascar,” Rouse wrote. “As it ran toward us, it created all sorts of funny shapes, but this one was the best. It looks to me like it is practicing its bowling action ready for an England call-up!”

“Alright Mate Back Off — This Is My Bird” by Andy Rouse
“I’m Too Sexy For My Love.”

Stankiewicz wrote that it looked like the hippo “just got out of the hairdresser with a big smile on his face.”

“The Contemplative Chimpanzee” by Arvind Mohandas
“Otter Guru.”

“In a kayak with my camera balanced precariously on the gunnel, I stayed very still while floating by this resting sea otter,” Janson wrote. “It stayed relaxed (you can tell because it is still floating on its back) and kept on grooming its fur. With its peaceful face and upturned paws, it reminded me of a Guru meditating.”

“Saying My Prayers” by Christine Haines
“Monday Again.”

I photographed this nutria directly from the canoe,” Arnold wrote. “It was busy grooming itself.”

“Cold Shower” by Corentin Revel
“Whiskered Tern Crash On Landing.”

Petkov photographed a whiskered tern crash-landing on a rock in Bulgaria.

“Frog in a Balloon” by Eberhard Ehmke
“The Pavarotti of Owls.”

“This area has always been a nesting place for burrowing owls, so I visit frequently,” Amico wrote.” When I saw this image on the computer, it just looked like this little owl was singing his heart out.”

“Smiley Elephant Seal” by Gabriel Rojo
“I Am Coming.”

Godínez’s photo shows razorbills watching as one of their peers attempts a wobbly landing.

“Laughing Out Loud” by Ingo Hamann
“I’ll Tell You A Secret.”

“A tiny raccoon is telling a secret to its mom while whispering in her ear,” Piecha wrote.

“Where Do You Think You Are Going?” by Jörn Clausen
“Mantis Flamenca.”

Molina lay down on the side of the road to take this photo of a Flemish mantis with its arms in the air.

“Song of the Zeisel” by Kath Aggiss
“Awkward Smiley Frog.”

“I asked this frog to smile for the camera but it seemed a little shy,” Tam wrote.

“Hide and Seek” by Leslie McLeod
“The Speed Skater.”

Meth-Cohn photographed a Steller’s sea eagle on ice off the coast of Rausu, Japan.

“Are You Kidding?” by Marti Phillips
“Gecko Fashion Model.”

“As we walked on the sands of the Namib Desert, a gecko suddenly appeared, emerging out of nowhere with a smile on its face,” Bordoli wrote. “It positioned itself perfectly, posing for a portrait worthy of a National Geographic cover. It seemed to say: ‘Take my picture, I’m ready for my cover!'”

“Stuck Squirrel” by Milko Marchetti
“Easy Fellas.”

“‘Hajime!’ This is the term used by the referee in judo to invite opponents to start fighting,” Ricordel wrote. “Here, the standing bear seems to be saying this to the other two, adopting the gesture that referees use when they say this word.”

“Unexpected Role Swap” by Przemyslaw Jakubczyk
“Gang of Four.”

“On the penguin highway, these rockhoppers are moving into town, and this town ain’t big enough for all of them!” Robinson wrote.

“You’re Not My Mother” by Randy Herman
“The Rock Star.”

“Here is a female lizard standing upright to escape the summer heat,” Patil wrote.

“Wait…Which Zebra Is In Front?” by Sarosh lodhi
“Smooching Owlets.”

“Our parents always find a way to embarrass us — I guess that’s also true in the case of spotted owlets,” Ranganadhan wrote. “It was truly a funny sight to see two owlets trying to get some privacy as their little offspring stood next to them with a grin and shut eyes.”

“Nagging is a Universal Concept” by Scott Frier
“Mafia Boss.”

Kubo wrote that this flying squirrel looked like it was “sucking a cigar” like a mafia boss.

“Shake Ruffle Rattle and Roll” by Tapani Linnanmäki
“Parrotfish Likes To Be Washed.”

“I saw this parrotfish with two other fish cleaning him,” Bellemans wrote. “The smile on his face shows that he really loves it.”

“Time To Cool Off” by Zikri Teo
“Time To Cool Off.”

“An Adelie penguin stands over its chick as it lays flat on the rock to cool off,” Teo wrote. “Due to their high level of insulation, penguin chicks can sometimes overheat and lay on the rocks with their feet out to lower their body temperature.”