
My brother and I were born 16 years apart. We had different childhoods, but we’ve realized we have a lot in common.

Nia Springer-Norris and her brother Winston are 16 years apart in age.

  • My brother is 16 years younger than I am, and we rarely lived in the same place
  • He had a very different childhood than I did, and we had different parents.
  • But over the years, we’ve realized we have a lot in common.

At 13, Winston was already taller than me. I found this out at my wedding — my younger brother was, in fact, taller than my husband. At that point, we hadn’t seen each other since four years prior, when our grandmother brought him to visit me in Asheville, North Carolina.

I was 16 when Winston was born, already on my way out of the house as he was coming into the world. His birth was a surprise, , and I want to take advantage of the time we have. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to get to know Win, who is an entrepreneurial and good-natured young adult. Now that we see each other more, my children love to see their “Tio Win.”

We have different relationships with our mother, both of which include business partnerships. My mom works with Win on his business, and I have partnered with my mother on her fashion and home goods enterprise. Mmmm, yes! Our differences have somehow intersected, and we now have more in common than I ever thought.

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