
I quit my 9-to-5 to lead a slow, minimalist life as a YouTuber. I’m happier, calmer, and more fulfilled.

Daquis makes her hobbies and passions a priority.

I moved to Maui in Hawaii in 2016 to live with my now-husband, who grew up on the island.

I felt pressure from my parents to get a 9-to-5 job, and got hired in Maui as a family services manager at Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit that helps low-income families find affordable housing.

I enjoyed the work, and I loved my colleagues, but not the schedule.

I’m a night owl who loves to start my day at 2:30 p.m. and work through the night. When I worked 9 to 5, it felt like I was forcing myself into that mold.

I tried to make it work, but I never really felt fulfilled, and I couldn’t pinpoint why.

Daquis makes videos that showcase her slower pace of life.

I prioritized finding time for the things I enjoy

Once I had more flexibility in my work life, I became really intentional about what I wanted to prioritize and how I wanted to spend my time. I did a lot of journaling and reflected on what’s important in my life and how I can prioritize those things. I stopped forcing myself to attend every work function. I avoided overloading my weekends and focused on just one or two important activities.

Over time, slow living has transitioned into a whole mindset for me. It’s like a lens through which I look at the world now.

I’ve moved away from the need to hustle. I honor how I feel more, I don’t feel the need to rush. I believe that things will happen on their own timeline. I do work hard when I need to, but I also prioritize balance, so I’ll then give myself time to regenerate and rest.

I’ve always enjoyed the simple moments in life, but slowing down has allowed me to enjoy them more fully and without the nagging feeling that I should be doing more.

Read the original article on Business Insider