
6 things you do at work that annoy your boss

micromanager boss using magnifying glass keep looking at employee working.

4. Asking too many questions

On the flip side, your boss probably doesn’t want to hear from you too often. Employees should be mindful of how often they are asking their managers questions, workplace experts said.

While it’s normal for new employees to need extra help, bosses appreciate people who can solve their own problems and who keep questions direct.

“No one is going to fire you for asking too many questions, but you may be perceived as anxious, lacking confidence, and unable to figure things out on your own,” Kirkinis said.

Good managers understand that questions are a natural part of the learning process, Agarwal added, and the best bosses are patient in answering. However, employees can avoid annoying their managers by bundling questions rather than sending them one by one.

“This not only respects the manager’s time but also shows that the employee is organized and considerate,” she said.

5. Procrastinating

Time management is among the most valued employee skills, career experts said, and nothing irks a boss more than procrastination.

“Procrastination is like slow poison for productivity,” Kleeman said. “When workers put off their tasks, it not only impacts how well they do but also pulls down the whole team.”

Managers expect their employees to make effective use of their time, Stephen Greet, CEO and cofounder of BeamJobs, said. Even during downtime, employees can find ways to take on more work, participate in professional development activities, or look for ways to simply procedures and increase productivity, he added.

“Employees who are seen to be passing the time or doing non-work related things during downtime may come across as not being totally committed to their jobs or the success of the company,” Greet said.

Ultimately, good employees need to do more than simply meet their deadlines, Kleeman said. They need to show they are dedicated and dependable.

6. Gossiping

No gossip is juicier than workplace gossip. Talking about your coworkers and colleagues scratches a primal itch. But bosses might not appreciate the backhanded chatter, career experts said.

“Some people use gossip as a way to bond, but gossip can be hurtful, especially in the workplace,” Kirkinis said.

Melissa Meyers, a leadership and transition coach, said employees should never talk about their peers behind their backs. Embracing diversity of thought and people’s disparate opinions is imperative to a well-functioning team, she added.

“If something is bothering you about another person you are working with, take it up with them first rather than involving your boss,” Kirkinis said. “Eventually, if your boss needs to be involved, so be it, but try to work it out among yourselves.”

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