
China built a new modern aircraft carrier, but it’s got a ‘steep learning curve’ to beat before it can match the US Navy

China’s third aircraft carrier, the Fujian, adorns colorful decorations during a launching ceremony at Jiangnan Shipyard.

The Fujian is China’s third carrier overall and the only warship in its new class. It is larger than its Soviet-style predecessors, the Shandong and Liaoning, and the first to lose the ski-jump style ramp for launching aircraft, instead featuring an advanced catapult launch system akin to the one used on the US Navy’s new Ford-class carriers.

Bryan Clark, a former naval officer and current defense expert at the Hudson Institute, told BI that the difference there is major, as it allows China to sortie larger, heavier, and more capable aircraft, such as fully-loaded fighters and early warning aircraft.

On the Shandong and Liaoning, for example, the ski jumps put limitations on the Chinese J-15s, reducing the amount of weapons and fuel with which the carrier-based fighters could fly.

“Now, with the catapult, China can get into heavier, more modern aircraft they’re working on,” Clark said. These planes include catapult-launched variants of the J-15, carrier-based early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft like the KJ-600, and a carrier variant of the J-35 stealth fighter, the latter of which is still experimental.

Clark added that the air wing on the Fujian, believed to be approximately 60 aircraft, will also be a jump up from the air wings of the Liaoning and Shandong, which carry 24 to 32 fighter jets and 12 to 17 helicopters, respectively.

Sailors aboard USS Gerald R. Ford observe flight operations, July 31, 2020.

But just because China is going full steam ahead in its development of aircraft carriers doesn’t mean they’re catching up to the US.

Unlike the US Navy’s nuclear-powered Nimitz and Ford-class aircraft carriers, the Fujian is conventionally powered, meaning it will need to refuel. As with the Liaoning and Shandong, this can affect how far the ship travels from port and make logistics operations more difficult.

And because China only has three carriers, the latest still undergoing sea trials, the fleet’s likely operating, for the time being, in a different capacity than the US force of 11 carriers does. The focus is more regional and on showing the flag.

“There’s definitely a huge difference between the way we operate ours and the way that they can operate theirs today,” ret. Adm. Raymond Spicer, the CEO and publisher at the US Naval Institute, said. “That’s not to say they’re not building more and then starting to expand to have a global presence, but they are far from that.”

And while the Fujian’s larger air wing and catapult system allow it to launch heavier aircraft and boost overall sortie numbers, they’re still not holding a candle to US capabilities. That’s mostly due to size and capacity, but it also has a lot to do with a core issue the Chinese Navy faces in employing its carriers: experience.

A T-45C Goshawk training aircraft attached to Training Air Wing (TAW) 1, lands aboard the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) during flight operations, Sept. 12, 2020.

Clark said that during a 2013 visit to San Diego, California, Adm. Wu Shengli, then commander of China’s Navy, was most surprised by the number of people involved in carrier operations.

“They didn’t realize that we had this whole cadre of hundreds of enlisted people that did all the operation of the systems, maintenance, and oversight of the actual flight deck operations,” Clark said.

A challenge China is likely facing right now is developing a sustainable model for cultivating a workforce of people with carrier knowledge and experience to match the rate at which it wants to build carriers. And that extends into the naval aviation space as well as China works to recruit and train pilots.

China also faces challenges with how to defend its carriers. Carrier strike groups are an instrumental element for not only projecting more maritime power, but also defending the carrier and its aircraft in conflict.

China has at times sailed its aircraft carriers with older Type 052D and C destroyers, new Type 055 destroyers, frigates, and replenishment ships, but the integration and interoperability that makes a strike group effective takes time to master. The US, however, routinely sails strike groups around the world, most recently committing them to the ongoing battle with the Houthis in Middle Eastern waters.

Learning “the ballet” of carrier operations

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), center-right, leads the George Washington Carrier Strike Group.

“Carrier operations is a bit like a ballet,” Snodgrass said. “There are a multitude of players, each with an assigned role, but everything needs to come together seamlessly for successful operational outcomes,” be it logistics, supplies, food, fuel, ship-keeping, aviation operations, damage control, navigation, and more.

“Then, throw in the proficiency required to launch and recover large numbers of aircraft during 12-hour operational windows… during daytime and nighttime, and in inclement weather,” he added. It’s all challenging and only mastered through trial and error.

That said, a significant source of anxiety for US military leaders today, though, is China’s strong track record of defying expectations when it comes to fielding and mastering new technologies and capabilities.

Read the original article on Business Insider