
‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ star admits she’s unsure — at times — to be so public with her son’s identity. But she knows it’ll help other LGBTQ+ families like hers.

Dubrow’s campaign for LGBT+ rights begins at home.

“We posted it, partly because of the trolls,” Dubrow, who also has a 20-year-old son, Nicholas, Max’s twin brother, told BI. “People were already talking about our son, misgendering him, and making comments.

“It was sort of our way of quieting the whole conversation because he is so young. Was it the right thing to do? I don’t know,” she told BI.

The 55-year-old, who is married to plastic surgeon Dr. Terry Dubrow, star of the reality show “Botched,” added that it would be up to Ace, now 13, when — or if — he wanted to tell his own story.

“He’s 13. He’s in middle school, and he’s got enough to deal with,” she told BI. “I also think kids today are fluid in the best way. I want to give them the space to figure themselves out.”

The mom said her old-fashioned parents pushed sexuality under the rug

Still, Dubrow advised other parents to act as sounding boards — but only if their children asked them first. “You can’t press kids into telling you things you want to know,” she said. “You have to wait for them to feel comfortable to tell you in their own time, in their own way.”

“You just have to create a safe and comfortable environment for them and just let them know that you care,” she told BI.

She added that “communication is key” and that adults should step back and listen. “It’s hard for a lot of parents not to immediately try to fix or give advice.”

As for her own parents, Dubrow told BI that she “came from a very 1950s family,” and matters like sex were pushed under the rug. “I didn’t even know what a period was,” she said.

It was one of the reasons, she said, that she was so frank about supporting people’s choices regarding their sexuality. She added that the 18th season of “RHOC”— which premieres on July 11 — included moments in which she, her husband, her children, and friends advocated for LGBT+ rights.

“If we can put our very normal family on television, some of the people watching might think, ‘Oh, that’s me,’ or ‘That’s my kid’ — and it’s cool.'”

Read the original article on Business Insider