
10 Hollywood stars and moguls calling for Biden to drop out

Clooney penned an essay in The New York Times asking Biden to drop out.

Clooney called on Biden to drop out of the race in an essay for The New York Times on July 10.

Clooney wrote that the Biden he saw at the Hollywood fundraiser in June was “not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010,” nor was he “even the Joe Biden of 2020.” Instead, he was “the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”

He wrote that Democrats would lose the election if Biden remained in the race, and also claimed that “every senator and Congress member and governor” he’s spoken with privately agrees with him, regardless of their public comments.

Rob Reiner
John Cusack has been posting about his opinions about Biden on X.

Throughout his decades-long career, Cusack has been vocal about his political opinions. In 2020, he was one of the most prominent supporters of Bernie Sanders and vowed on social media that “anyone who cannot see or choose not to see what [Trump] is” was out of his life “permanently.”

In 2023, Cusack posted on X that he understood why Sanders endorsed Biden for president.

But the “Say Anything” actor changed his tune in July 2024, quoting a post from Rob Reiner to call on Biden to step down.

“There has been no bigger supporter of Biden’s domestic policy than Rob — he’s right,” Cusack wrote.

Abigail Disney
Though Douglas didn’t explicitly ask Biden to step aside, he expressed significant “concern.”

The award-winning actor and producer hosted a fundraiser for Biden earlier this year but sounded skeptical during a July 10 appearance on “The View.”

Though he didn’t go so far as to ask the president to end his campaign, he did say that he is “deeply, deeply concerned.”

When asked his opinions on George Clooney’s op-ed begging Biden to step aside, Douglas ceded that the actor had “a valid point.”

Michael Moore
Reed Hastings has donated $1.5 million to Biden in the past.

Hastings, a co-founder of Netflix, shared his thoughts with The New York Times in an email earlier this month.

“Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous,” he wrote.

This is a shift for Hastings and his wife, Patty Quillin, who, according to The Times, donated $1.5 million alone to Biden’s campaign in 2020 and more than $20 million to the Democratic Party.

Stephen King
Damon Lindelof proposed a “DEMbargo” on donations to the Democratic Party.

Lindelof, best known for work writing on “Lost,” “The Leftovers,” and “Watchmen,” wrote an essay for Deadline on July 3 telling Biden to exit the race.

“I am a lifelong Democrat,” he wrote, “I voted for Joe. I wept when the election was called for him.”

Lindelof continued, “I believe in Joe Biden. I believe in him so much that we wrote him a sizable check as recently as two weeks ago.”

But after the debate, Lindelof’s opinion changed. He’s now asking his fellow Democrats to stop donating to the party. “A rising tide lifts all boats. A falling Biden sinks them,” he added.

Ashley Judd
Judd published an op-ed in USA Today calling on Biden to step aside in order to prevent another Trump presidency.

The actress and political activist published a lengthy opinion piece in USA Today on July 12 calling on Biden to step aside because “beating Trump is too important.” She writes that the debate demonstrated that Biden is unable to effectively counter Trump’s rhetoric and so must end his candidacy.

She implored the Democratic party to act quickly — they should, she argues, simultaneously express their deep gratitude to Biden and ask him to step aside before the clock runs out.

“Here where I sit in rural Tennessee, it’s clear that Americans have already made up their minds against President Biden,” Judd concludes.