
I flew premium economy on my long-haul Emirates flight. It was cheaper than flying coach at a better time and way nicer.

During my flight, I got to check out business-class seats, too.

A 5 a.m. flight meant an early wake-up call, but looking forward to my upgraded trip put me in a positive mindset before the 14-hour flight.

My experience at the airport was great, too, as there was a dedicated check-in area and priority boarding for premium-economy flyers.

The seats were bigger and far more comfortable than I had expected.
I had enough room to stretch out on my flight.

The aisles in premium economy felt wider, which allowed for easy movement throughout the cabin. Passengers weren’t bumping into the aisle seats to try to squeeze through like they often do in economy.

At the front of the cabin, there was a decent amount of space, so I walked around and even did some stretches and Pilates — a great way to keep my muscles moving and blood flowing on a long flight.

There was rarely a queue for the toilets as there were three dedicated restrooms in premium economy that easily accommodated the number of passengers in the cabin.

The in-flight food felt premium, too.
With fewer customers to serve, my flight felt more personalized.

The Emirates staff members were attentive, and with the premium-economy section pretty empty, my flight felt more personalized.

The onboard crew seemed friendly and always ready to help.

When I asked a crew member to take some photos of me, she didn’t hesitate and even offered to give me a tour of both the business and first-class cabins.

I felt a bit like an intruder as I took her up on the offer. The seats, amenities, and experience in these cabins seemed another few levels up — and they gave me something to aim for in the future.

Overall, the experience exceeded my expectations, and I’m glad I found a deal.
I get why Emirates has an award-winning premium economy.

The flight went by quickly — well, as quickly as 14 hours can go —and I felt more rested than on previous long-haul flights.

I can see why Emirates’ premium economy is rated so highly, and I’d recommend trying it, even if you have to pay a little more.

After getting my ticket for less than coach, I’d suggest looking at the cost of premium economy on less-desirable flights. You may need a bit of luck and some last-minute planning, but it could pay off.

Getting up earlier than I wanted was worth it to travel with perks — and flying in premium economy is certainly a great way to kick off any trip.