
I moved from the US to Ireland. I’m extremely happy with my choice, but there are a few things I wish I’d known before relocating.

I moved to Ireland three years ago.

  • I moved from the US to Ireland through the Irish Working Holiday Visa five years ago.
  • Finding things like a full-time job, affordable housing, and a good group of friends was difficult.
  • The country can be expensive, but I’ve learned there’s so much to explore, especially by car.

In 2019, I moved from the US to Ireland and didn’t look back.

All I had were two very large suitcases, about $4,000 in savings, and a folder of crinkled paperwork for my Irish Working Holiday Visa, which allows recent graduates to travel and work in Ireland for a year. 

I set off with no job or housing lined up, no relatives or connections to the country, and basically no plans in general, and I’ve gotten so many questions from people around the world wanting to know how I did it.

Years later, I wish I could’ve offered my 23-year-old self some words of wisdom. 

Save as much as you can because Ireland can be expensive

It’s hard to get a job in Dublin.

For months before moving, I received the same response from countless job applications: “Let’s talk when you’re on the ground.”

I’ve learned that you’ll only start receiving serious responses once you’re physically located in Ireland (with your Irish address and phone number listed on your resume to prove it).

Sadly, the Irish job market is extremely competitive, especially in Dublin. I applied to hundreds of jobs for months and didn’t hear back from most of them. I even started nannying just to get some Ireland-based experience on my CV.

Although there are plenty of casual and short-term jobs, you’ll be competing with other Irish high-school and college students as well as young people from the European Union.

Those groups typically fill up spots first, especially for temp roles or tourism and hospitality jobs. 

But you can still further your career as an American in Ireland

Before moving to Ireland, my only professional experience was as a marketing coordinator at a nonprofit. Fresh out of college, I didn’t have much on my resume, and I assumed that the only places I’d find work were coffee shops or retail stores.

After several months of no luck followed up by a few temporary admin roles, I was finally able to break into my desired field by networking through several recruitment agencies.

Unlike what I experienced in the US, this was the easiest way to get a full-time job in Dublin. It opened the door for me to gain permanent contract roles in my chosen field. 

On the Working Holiday Visa, sponsorship is also an option for those looking to stay permanently in Ireland. If your employer decides to sponsor you, it could lead to a work visa, which would ultimately earn you permanent residency — as long as you stick to the job for two to four years.

Finding housing in Ireland is equally as difficult, if not harder, than job hunting

Always be prepared for rain.

There’s a good reason why the Irish love to talk about the weather so much. The country is well-known for being windy, dreary, and rainy almost year-round, so be sure to pack accordingly.

But every year when March rolls around, there’s a collective sigh of relief — everyone is excited for the months of dark and wet days to finally be over. 

From March to September, one can expect sporadic glorious weather in Ireland. 

The Cliffs of Moher is a popular destination.

From UNESCO World Heritage sites to world-class beaches to quirky villages with even quirkier traditions, Ireland is a fascinating country to explore.

It’s pretty small (about the size of the state of Indiana), but its counties all vary greatly from each other, with different bits of ancient history to explore in each.

I met my boyfriend after I moved to Ireland.

I went into my move to Ireland wearing rose-tinted glasses when it came to finding friends. 

It can take a while to break into friend groups, especially when they’ve been together since school. But I’d recommend befriending both international and Irish people as there’s such a mix in the country.

I’ve become really close with most of my coworkers, and I’ve also made several friends through other friends. 

I found that joining social-media pages or Facebook groups dedicated to Americans or expats in Ireland has really helped me to meet people. It’s so nice to be able to chat with a fellow American and vent about the things we miss about home.

You can’t plan for everything, but you can still have the craic

I’ve discovered the hard way that there’s not much you can prepare in advance for outside of temporary accommodations when moving to Ireland on a Working Holiday Visa.

It’s nearly impossible to have a job or long-term housing set up beforehand. And as a type-A person who loves to make lists and meticulously plan everything in advance, that was kind of terrifying.

But Ireland is a land full of adventure, welcoming people, and plenty of craic (fun).

Now, each year when I return home to the US for the holidays, I find myself far more sure of myself and my abilities.

My most pressing advice for people wanting to make the move is just to do it. We can’t grow if we never do things that terrify us.

This story was originally published on February 6, 2022, and most recently updated on July 18, 2024. 

Read the original article on Business Insider