
4 traits shared by fit and active older people, according to a personal trainer whose eldest client is 96

Lauren Hurst and 98-year-old runner George Etzweiler.

They make fitness a priority

Most of Hurst’s clients grew up in families that prioritized fitness, she said, but even those who didn’t still consistently make time for fitness in their schedules.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they enjoy it. Hurst, who has been a personal trainer for 37 years, said that many of her clients say they probably wouldn’t work out at all if they didn’t with her, but paying for a personal trainer incentivizes them. People who don’t have personal trainers can get the same effect by working out with friends, she said.

They’re positive

“I don’t know which came first, the exercise or the positivity, or vice versa,” Hurst said, but most of the people her clients are very positive.

“Exercise certainly helps with mood, and it helps with depression and anxiety,” she said. A 2020 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, for instance, found that people who were more physically active tended to be happier and more satisfied with their lives than those who did less physical activity. A 2024 study published in The BMJ meanwhile found that exercise appeared to be an effective treatment for all types of depression.

They’re high-achieving and competitive

Many of Hurst’s clients are or were high-achieving, “competitive business people.”

“They take that attitude to their training, and they want to be fit and healthy for as long as possible,” she said.

A 2023 study by researchers at the Complutense University of Madrid on traits that may have helped 19 Spanish centenarians be resilient found that many were academically and professionally successful. They also tended to take on challenges, and could adapt and direct their lives toward paths they found satisfying.

They’re organized

Hurst also said that her fittest older clients are organized and task-oriented.

Similarly, the researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid recommended, based on the attitudes of the centenarians they spoke to, that people wanting to live longer should have realistic short and medium-term goals, and persevere in trying to achieve them.

They also found that the centenarians tended to be autonomous and practical, and took control of their own lives.

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