
‘Baby Reindeer’ actor Richard Gadd shared ‘sexually explicit, violent, and derogatory’ emails he says Fiona Harvey sent him. Here are 6 key takeaways from the court filing.

Jessica Gunning as Martha Scott in “Baby Reindeer” and Fiona Harvey on “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”

In the declaration, Gadd claimed that Harvey found his email address in July 2014 and started sending him several emails every day, which he never responded to or engaged with.

The messages, included as evidence in the filing, contain graphic descriptions of Harvey’s alleged sexual fantasies about Gadd. They also make reference to her menstrual cycle in great detail, and feature “derogatory content, hateful speech, and threats” toward specific ethnic groups and religions, as well as homophobic insults aimed at Gadd.

“For example, Harvey told me ‘[y]ou look gay in one of those online photos’ and stated ‘I would kill a Muslim if they attacked you,'” Gadd claimed in the court document.

Gadd claimed Harvey sent him her underwear.
Fiona Harvey on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” and Richard Gadd as Donny Dunn in “Baby Reindeer.”

Gadd claimed that in March 2015, Harvey spoke to a customer in the London pub where he worked about a bad review Gadd had received about one of his plays. Gadd responded by saying that he’d seen news reports that Labour MP Jimmy Wray and his wife, lawyer Laura Wray, alleged that Harvey had harassed them.

He claimed that Harvey shoved him in retaliation.

“Harvey came behind the bar to where I was standing and shoved me in the back of my neck. I turned to find her chastising me whilst pointing in my face,” Gadd said.

“I remember that she referred to the comedian Frankie Boyle’s ‘mout’ having ‘got him into trouble’ and she said that my ‘mouth would get me into trouble too.'”

He added: “I remember quickly apologizing out of fear she was going to hit me, as well as embarrassment at the fact a number of customers nearby were looking over.”

Gadd claimed Harvey threatened his family.
Laura Wray and Fiona Harvey on “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”

Toward the end of the declaration, Gadd said that Harvey referenced Labour MP, Wray, and his wife, in the voicemails.

He said: “Harvey admitted that she told Jimmy Wray she would ‘wring [his] bloody neck’ and that he had reported this as a ‘death threat.'”

Wray’s wife, Laura, appeared on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” in June 2024, and recalled working with Harvey briefly at L&L Lawrence Solicitors in 1997. She claimed Harvey was fired after two weeks for abusive behavior.

Harvey denied this on”Piers Morgan Uncensored” and said that she left due to a hostile work environment.

Gadd claimed other people contacted him about Harvey, but they were too scared to report her to the police.
Richard Gadd as Donny Dunn in “Baby Reindeer.”

As well as the Wrays, Gadd said he was aware that Harvey also harassed other politicians, whose names were redacted in the filing.

However, Gadd said he was contacted by other people who claimed that Harvey also harassed them.

“She harassed and stalked me over several years, and since her interview, other individuals have contacted me through my agents and publicists and said they were also harassed by Harvey, but all were too scared of her to come forward,” Gadd said.