
6 things you need to throw away from your garage right now, according to professional declutterers

Open paint cans shouldn’t be kept for more than two years.

Although it might seem smart to keep extra cans of paint you’ve used in and around your house for any future touch-ups, Horan said, they actually go bad rather quickly.

“Used paint cans only have a shelf life of about one or two years, so you should go through and throw them out regularly,” she told BI.

Old toys and bikes can be hard to let go of, but they take up so much room.
Garages can easily become graveyards for kids’ toys.

There’s like baseball bats, basketballs, and golf clubs can quickly become outdated or outgrown. Over time, it’s just invasive.

“By throwing these out, you can make room for new and improved equipment that can be used more,” Horan said.