
A new programming deal shows why Netflix has all the leverage

But what are the odds someone types “AMC” into a Netflix search bar? I’m guessing very, very low.

There has to be more to this, right? Surely Netflix will eventually give AMC a row on its powerful homepage — the kind they use now, with labeling that’s either super-generic (“Blockbuster Movies”) or embarrassingly detailed (“Because you watched ‘The Equalizer'”). At least for some users.

Then again, I’m a user who watches AMC shows, so you’d think they would get this to me quite soon, if not already. And it’s one thing to give AMC a row — quite another to put it somewhere where you can find it.

A Netflix rep declined to comment.

But until I hear or see otherwise, I’m finding it hard to believe Netflix will dedicate meaningful screen space to a single provider, even if they give Netflix really good stuff like “Breaking Bad.”

Because Netflix now has the upper hand with the TV guys. Hard to see why they’d make any concessions, at all.

*Yes, it’s a stressful job! In a declining industry! On the other hand, you get paid a ton of money.

Read the original article on Business Insider