
I had the most luxurious stay of my life in Panama. Now, I want every tropical vacation to include a private island.

A view of the author’s casita on Isla Palenque.

As I walked the sandy path to the casita’s entrance, the thatched structure came into view for the first time. Every other sense — the saltwater, flowers, and nearby tropical birds — vanished.

In front of me was a stunning one-bedroom building. Daniela, one of the island’s concierge representatives, said the inspiration was a coconut with its brown roof and bright white exterior.

It was the most extravagant version of a coconut I’ve ever seen.

Daniela gave me a quick tour of the property’s amenities. There was a small tub to rinse off my sandy feet, a mini bar with complimentary snacks, two outdoor showers, and all-natural soaps.

Meanwhile, my focus was still on the sight of the casita. It was easily the most captivating place I’ve stayed.

A view of the island’s dock.

Isla Palenque is home to eight casitas and one six-bedroom villa. During low season, a night in a casita starts at $512, including meals, non-alcoholic drinks, boat transfers, outdoor gear, yoga classes, and daily excursions.

Every part of the property was a purposeful choice made by Benjamin Loomis, the property’s architect and developer, who spent five years living on Isla Palenque before turning it into a resort.

The casitas were built at the jungle’s edge. Steps away is a private beach, shared by a maximum of 32 guests at a time. Along with the beach, there’s a communal area with a pool, a splattering of shaded day beds, and Las Rocas Restaurant and Bar, a thatched pavilion where meals and drinks are served.

The author inside her casita on Isla Palenque.

While nature can often be associated with “roughing it,” that’s far from the case on Isla Palenque. The rooms oozed comfort and luxury — the bed was practically a cloud, a fridge held cold refreshments, and with a simple message, I could have someone at my casita running me a bath in a large outdoor tub.

Outside my casita, everything was taken care of. I dined on three-course meals, towels were brought to me at the pool, and evening yoga classes ended with fresh watermelon juice. One day was spent on a snorkeling excursion that concluded with a picnic on a private beach, a highlight of the trip.

A sunset during the author’s stay at Isla Palenque.

On Isla Palenque, there was no guilt. When I grabbed a book and sat in the pool one afternoon, I wasn’t worried about missing a good restaurant or skipping a historic tour — experiencing the island was my only focus.

My schedule was just that, my own time to designate how I wanted. So when my eyes glazed over the pages, I hopped out and adventured off on a paddleboard.

A row of paddleboards on the property’s private beach.

Rarely do I feel relaxed when visiting a new destination. Instead, there’s a thrilling pressure to maximize time and squeeze in as much as possible.

While that feeling and those trips often lead to memorable experiences, Isla Palenque taught me that vacationing on a private island is an ideal way to relax.

Plus, I left with more appreciation for Panama. I explored the island’s ancient, pre-Columbian history, connected and conversed with the property’s staff, and fully soaked in the breathtaking nature that surrounded me.

When my three nights were over, I hopped back on the boat to head home, relaxed, re-energized, and ready to find another private island for my next trip.

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