
I tried and ranked all of Burger King’s chicken wraps. The spicy wrap was a flavorful, low-calorie option.

The classic Royal Crispy Wrap from Burger King ended up last on my ranking.

I enjoyed all of Burger King’s chicken wraps, but one had to come in last. My least favorite of the four wraps I tried was Burger King’s classic Royal Crispy Wrap.

It cost $3.89 from my local Burger King in Brooklyn, New York, and was 310 calories.

The classic wrap comes with a large chicken tender, lettuce, tomato, and Royal sauce in a white tortilla.
There was an ideal amount of sauce inside the wrap.

However, I thought the lettuce could have been a touch fresher — it looked and tasted a little limp. This was only my experience with the first wrap I tried, though.

Next up in the ranking was the honey-mustard chicken wrap.
The wrap came with all the same ingredients as the classic but with honey-mustard instead of Royal sauce.

All of the ingredients were nicely enclosed in the tortilla.

I thought the honey mustard added a lot of flavor.
The Chicken Philly Royal Crispy Wrap is the latest wrap added to the menu.

The Chicken Philly Royal Crispy Wrap was added to Burger King menus in May.

It cost $3.89 from my local Burger King in Brooklyn, New York, and was 360 calories.

The wrap comes with chicken, Royal sauce, Swiss cheese, and flame-grilled peppers and onions in a tortilla.
I thought the peppers and onions added a lot of flavor.

The cheese was gooey and coated every inch of the crispy chicken tender, while the peppers and onions added a lot of flavor.

While it probably wouldn’t be enough to satisfy me for a whole meal, I also thought this wrap was pretty filling due to the cheese and sautéed peppers and onions.

My favorite wrap was one I’ve had before: the Fiery Royal Crispy Wrap.
The wrap had a large slice of tomato and two kinds of sauces.

I’ve ordered this wrap many times before as a lower-calorie alternative to the chain’s Fiery Royal Crispy chicken sandwich, which has 760 calories.

I thought the glaze was genuinely spicy, which added a ton of flavor.
The pepper glaze added a delicious spicy flavor to the wrap.

The spiciness of the glaze, however, was balanced out by the fresh vegetables and the Royal sauce. This wrap was the most flavorful by far. It would easily satisfy my cravings for a spicy chicken sandwich while remaining lower in calories.

My only critique was that I thought this wrap had just a touch too much tomato. It could have been cut a bit smaller so as not to overpower the other ingredients.

Overall, though I was impressed by every Burger King chicken wrap and thought they were all tasty, lower-calorie menu options.