
What happened to Benjamin Foster, the violent criminal featured in Netflix’s new true crime series ‘Worst Ex Ever’

A photo of Benjamin Foster as seen in “Worst Ex Ever.”

Foster used dating apps to trick unsuspecting victims into helping him evade the authorities in southwestern Oregon, and police offered a $2,500 reward for information that led to his arrest.

On January 31, 2023, Foster murdered an elderly man, Richard Barron, and his carer, Donald Griffith, in their home, which was 700 feet away from where Siemens lived, per the docuseries.

Foster was later found hiding in Siemen’s house that day by the authorities, who obtained a warrant to enter the property.

During the standoff, police officers used tear gas and drones to try to lure Foster out, but quickly realized that he was hiding underneath the house itself.

CBS reported Foster had “burrowed deep underneath the home.” He died by suicide, and officers had to pull up the floorboards to retrieve him.

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