
I’m an introvert with 3 kids who gets drained in other people’s company. Here’s how I navigate parenting.

Melissa Noble has three kids.

  • I used to think I was an extrovert, but over time, I realized I’m more introverted.
  • Now, I have three kids, and parenting can be overstimulating.
  • But I have strategies for coping with it, like doing quiet activities with them.

I’ve never had a problem chatting to people, and for a long time I thought that that made me an extrovert. I assumed that to recharge while my husband tag-teams with the kids. Even a quick 15-minute walk can make a world of difference, I find.

If all else fails, I simply tell my kids how I’m feeling. I tried this recently when I was having a meltdown in the car, and the three kids were hammering me with questions about everything from the origin of the Olympics to how to translate the word “toe” into French.

“Mummy’s feeling a bit tired and needs a break from talking,” I said, looking at them in the rear-view mirror. “Is that OK, guys?”

To my delight, three little mouths curled up into smiles, and they nodded. Often, kids understand more than we give them credit for. At that moment, I felt completely understood and heard, and so grateful for my babies. “They totally get me,” I thought, smiling silently the whole way home.

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