
Nest thermostats can alert homeowners of potential heating or cooling problems

Google is testing a feature that can send Nest owners alerts about their furnaces when “unusual or unexpected patterns” are detected. The HVAC alerts will be automatically sent to subscribers of the Nest Home Report email list, notifying homeowners of any small issue in their heating, cooling, or ventilation system before it potentially becomes a serious problem.

For example, based on the historical data your Nest thermostat has collected about your home, if it’s taking longer than usual to cool, that may trigger an HVAC alert. You’ll get an email with details about which system was affected (heating or cooling), and in some areas, a link to make an appointment for a “pro” visit with home services platform Handy.

Google stresses in its blog post that the alerts are not meant to replace regular maintenance on furnaces and other equipment. And as Android Police notes, they won’t warn you if a major component of your HVAC is about to fail. In fact, the alerts are probably not going to pick up every little hiccup your system encounters, according to Google’s blog post. But in any event, if you’re doing regular maintenance (ahem), then you’re not likely to be caught off guard by any really big furnace or AC problems.

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