
Google is killing Google One Today, giving non-profits a week to find an alternative

Google has announced the impending demise of the Google One Today app, giving users just a week to find a replacement before the service is shut down.

As Android Police explains, Google One Now is unrelated to the company’s Google One cloud storage subscription plans. It’s a donation system that let you donate money to non-profits anonymously, and ensures that 100% of donations go to your chosen good causes – unlike many popular fundraising platforms, which take a cut for themselves.

Google One Now also provides you with a single end-of-year receipt that makes it easy to calculate tax on all their charitable donations, and offers a platform for non-profits to share stories, photos and other information without the need to create their own websites from scratch.

Cashing out

Non-profits that are currently using Google One Today will receive any recently donated cash on February 6, when the platform will shut down for good. Google has already prevented organizations from signing up for accounts.

Google One Today was a noble idea (particularly because the company even matched some donations), so it’s a shame to see it go. Hopefully Google will take the technology and knowledge from the project and implement it in a new way – and give it a name that won’t be confused with any of its other products.