
’28 Days Later’ pioneered digital filmmaking. Now, its sequel ’28 Years Later,’ will reportedly be the first blockbuster shot on an iPhone.

Danny Boyle, the director of “28 Days Later” and “28 Years Later.”

Sean Baker’s award-winning 2015 film “Tangerine” became the poster child for iPhone-shot movies. But even before that, a 2012 documentary called “Searching for Sugar Man,” was partially shot on an iPhone and won an Oscar.

Danny Boyle and Anthony Dod Mantle, who were the director and cinematographer of “28 Days Later” and are returning for the sequel, are no strangers to pioneering new forms of filmmaking.

“28 Days Later” was one of the first films to use digital cameras.

The film’s opening scene of a deserted London was shot using digital camcorders because they were easier to set up than large film cameras, and they could only block off roads in the busy city for a limited time.

28 Days Later” was a huge success — the film had a budget of $8 million but made $84 million at the global box office. The opening moment also became an iconic scene.

Less than a decade later, digital cameras overtook classic film cameras in Hollywood.

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