
I’ve always been curious to go skydiving and finally tried it at 60. I enjoyed it, but I won’t go again.

Jackie Fishman went tandem skydiving at 60 years old.

  • I’ve always been curious about skydiving but had never given it a try.
  • Recently, as part of a fundraiser, I decided to give it a shot.
  • I was excited and nervous to do it, and it was exhilirating, but I won’t do it again.

I knew . It made sense.

Sticking the landing is important, and my tandem buddy gave me some pointers as we floated toward the ground. You want to land on the balls of your feet, bend your knees and do a little run. Our landing was perfect despite a stronger-than-desired wind.

Shortly after we landed, I saw one of the solo jumpers land. They were swept up by the wind and landed on their head. Since it was a head injury, they were instructed not to move until an ambulance came to check them, but the paramedics determined they were OK. Seeing this situation, I realized how many natural and unpredictable forces can affect the success of a jump.

Would I do it again? I can safely say, “I am one and done.” But I’m glad I did it!

Read the original article on Business Insider