
After 20 years in the finance industry I felt depressed and anxious — until I started microdosing. It helped me see how I was holding myself back.

Van de Plassche said she was able to uncover hidden beliefs that were holding her back after microdosing.

Within a week I felt calmer

I live in Toronto where magic mushrooms are technically illegal but there are dispensaries everywhere. It’s kind of a gray area.

I bought some products from my massage therapist and I started microdosing based on the research I had done. I played around a bit with the dosage and the frequency until I found a very good protocol.

Within a week to ten days I would say I started to feel calmer. When you’re taking a low dose every few days you don’t feel high or hallucinate but I felt more present and happy. Doing it alongside other self-care rituals, like journaling and visualization, made a huge difference for me. It’s not a silver bullet, but I wouldn’t have been able to turn things around like I did without microdosing.

Before, I was neurotic about time management to the point where it was debilitating. If I had a meeting at 10 a.m., I was at the computer ready at 9 a.m.. Once I was flying to Tokyo and the fight was late in the day, but I wouldn’t even go for a walk because I felt like I needed to stay home until I got into the cab to the airport because “you don’t know what might happen!”

After three months on psilocybin, that neurosis was gone. I now log onto a meeting one minute before because I feel confident in my ability to cope.

I started to become aware of my limiting beliefs

I felt like I had more space in my brain, which gave me enough distance from my thoughts to see them clearer. I started to become aware that some subconscious beliefs I had were making me feel bad about myself.

I realized that I had a huge fear of authority, which was likely a product of being raised in a very authoritarian environment. I had this belief that I always had to do what I was told, which had been limiting me.

Finally I was able to notice the pattern and, over time, reprogram my brain to respond differently. I became a bit of an explorer, looking out for blind spots and observing my tendencies.

My network really responded to my story

At the time, I had a newsletter where I wrote about companies I thought people should invest in. But one day, I decided to write a post about my microdosing experience. It was a risk but I thought it would help a lot of people.

I ended up getting more responses to it than any other post. Dozens of people reached out with questions.

It ended up taking on a life of its own and today I have a microdosing business. I’ve written a book on my protocol and I coach people on how to mircodose to get more out of their lives.

If you would’ve told me three, four years ago, I would do that, I would say, “you’re dreaming.”

I love it but I think that one day I’d like to go back into finance and see how different it would feel for me now.

Read the original article on Business Insider