
Before trying expensive longevity treatments, focus on these 4 basics of living longer first

Dr. Shai Efrati pioneered hyperbaric oxygen therapy for longevity and performance, and uses it himself. But he said the basics like good nutrition, exercise, and a purposeful life are key to living long and living well.

Give your body the right fuel for peak performance

The boring truth is that eating your vegetables and not overdoing it with processed food can help you live longer.

“If you have a car and you will put fuel that is dirty, the engine will be destroyed quite quickly. So whatever fuel we are taking into our mouth, we should think about the consequences,” Efrati said.

He practices intermittent fasting, which studies suggest has promising benefits for longevity, and focuses on nutrient-dense food.

“I do my best not to put junk in my body,” he said.

Exercise regularly

The other pillar of longevity you can follow without spending a cent is getting enough movement in your daily routine.

Physical activity, even just a quick walk, has a cascade of health-boosting effects, reducing your risk of disease, improving mood and energy, and strengthening your heart and lungs.

“Challenge your physiology, meaning doing exercise,” Efrati said. “By doing that we can tell the body, listen, we need you to be ready for the next challenge that I’m going to get.”

Focus on your specific priorities

Efrati said the first thing he does with every patient is ask them about their goals. Whether you want to set world records or keep up with your grandkids, longevity isn’t just about staying alive but maintaining a high quality of life.

“So as long as we enjoy the journey and to enjoy the journey is our physical functionality, our cognitive function,” Efrati said. “And if we are losing that, I don’t think that many of us would like to stay around when everything is shut down and you’re sitting in the dark.”

Read the original article on Business Insider
