
Ukrainian F-16 fighter pilots have had to dramatically change the way they fly after long flying Soviet jets, and it’s a lot to overcome

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in front of the first F-16 fighter jets received by Ukraine.

He said that it is difficult for pilots to retrain on such radically different jet types because “if something’s going wrong, your muscle memory reverts back to something that’s older.”

He said it’s something that can be overcome with more and more time on simulators — but Ukraine’s military does not have much time to spare.

A challenging task for Ukraine’s pilots

Ukrainian pilots have praised the combat power of their new F-16s compared to the older jets but have also noted how big a transition they have been.

A Ukrainian pilot with the call sign “Moonfish” earlier this year called it “a really awesome jet to fly” that was easier to fly. They compared the change to upgrading from a basic phone “like a Nokia, straight to an iPhone, without all those steps in between.”

Tom Richter, a former US Marine pilot who flew F-16s for the National Guard, called the jet “a sensitive beast” compared to Ukraine’s Soviet-era aircraft in an interview with Politico.

The reality that Ukrainian pilots are new to F-16s was acknowledged by Gen. James Hecker, commander of US Air Forces in Europe and NATO Allied Air Command, in September, when he said Ukraine was not using the jets for the riskiest types of missions as “the pilots are new to it.”

A farewell ceremony for Ukrainian F-16 pilot Oleksiy Mes in Shepetivka on August 29.

The loss could have also been the result of a mechanical failure on the aging aircraft, or friendly fire could have caused it as Ukraine works to get all of its combat systems, a hodgepodge of equipment, working smoothly together. Ukraine has not given a reason for the loss, but the investigation considered these possibilities.

Ukraine’s F-16s are limited

Air warfare experts previously told BI that the F-16s are not likely to be major game changers but will help Ukraine replenish lost aircraft, protect cities and other targets, and potentially allow Ukraine to launch new raids in the air.

The jets Ukraine is receiving, though a capability jump over its Soviet-era planes, are older F-16s without some of the newer upgrades. Bohnert described the fighters as “older airframes with not a lot of life left,” though he said that “doesn’t mean they’re bad.” Still, they’re not a match, though, for Russia’s better jets or its formidable air defenses.

A bigger problem is that Ukraine was not given enough of the jets to use them like the West does and make a substantial difference.

Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands have pledged more than 85 F-16s to Ukraine. Only a handful were delivered in August. Roughly 20 of the fighters are expected to be delivered to Ukraine by the end of this year.

Ukrainian F-16s are seen in the air in an undisclosed location of Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who said in July that his country wasn’t getting enough new jets, said last month that there are plans to increase Ukraine’s number of jets and trained pilots. But he offered no details.

Partners have hamstrung Ukraine in how it uses Western weapons, and those limitations could potentially prevent it from leveraging the F-16’s capabilities in the way it might without restrictions. But limited airframes and trained pilots are big issues.

Not enough pilots are being trained for the jets Ukraine was promised, Politico reported in June. The outlet reported that partner nations had fewer training spots than Ukraine does jets and pilots ready to be trained. The delays in getting this program spun up have been detrimental.

Ukraine began asking for F-16s shortly after Russia invaded over two and a half years ago. But the US, which has to give permission for the jets it manufactured to be donated even by other countries, was long reluctant.

Keir Giles, a senior consulting fellow at Chatham House’s Russia and Eurasia Programme, said last this month that the delay in meeting Ukraine’s demands meant “Russia has been given ample time to plan for the appearance of Ukraine’s new aircraft type and adapt to it.”

Ukraine, on the other hand, is still setting up its new F-16 program and trying to resolve issues with pilot training and integrating the jets into Ukraine’s military.

Michael Clarke, a Russia and Ukraine expert and a British national security advisor, told BI this summer that “if the West donated F-16s a year earlier, then most of these problems would be solved by now.”

And he also said that if more planes aren’t on the table, then, “in terms of defending Ukrainian airspace and being able to deal all the way across the front with Russia’s numbers, the F-16s are a long way from being able to do that.”

The challenges, limitations, and restrictions aside, air warfare experts still say the jets are a positive for Ukraine.

Retired US Army Maj. Gen. Gordon ‘Skip’ Davis, who was NATO’s deputy assistant secretary-general for its Defense Investment Division, told BI Ukraine’s F-16s “are making a difference now” and more arriving “will help them make more of a difference.”

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