
I’m a VC, and I hired my first staff after he offered to set up payroll for free. He showed me just how far people are willing to go for a VC job.

Neal ended up becoming Nichole Wischoff’s first full-time hire, beating over 500 applicants for the job.

I interviewed Neal over three weeks. We had three calls before meeting in person. In addition to walking him through the job, I also brought him along to a founder pitch and got him to share his assessment with me after the meeting.

What impressed me about Neal was how well-prepared he was. During our calls, I learned that Neal already knew a lot about my portfolio, whether it be the companies I’ve invested in or the areas I was excited about. He had detailed questions about specific companies.

At one point, I mentioned that I would have to set up a payroll system since I’d been operating the fund solo. Neal offered to help do it for free, showing just how much of a hustler he was.

You could say that Neal pretty much hired himself because he was really aggressive, in a good way, about landing the job.

I’m looking for people who are willing to run through walls

If you want to pursue a career in venture capital, you’ve got to be determined. Don’t quit, and don’t take no for an answer.

Whether it be applying for a job or sourcing for a deal, you have to come in over-prepared for your meetings if you even want to stand a chance.

I want to look for people who are willing to run through walls every day on the job.

Of course, I won’t ever ask you to clean a bathroom, but I need to know that you’d be willing to do it if I asked.

I don’t care if you’re joining as my chief of staff or as a general partner, you have to be okay to roll up your sleeves and get things done. I want to hire people who won’t quit, won’t give up, and are determined to get things done, no matter what.

Read the original article on Business Insider