
Tax season is here and so are the scams. Here’s what to do if the IRS calls you.

It’s that time of the year again: tax season. While some of you are preparing your tax returns and waiting for some sweet cash courtesy of your IRS refund, others are preparing to impersonate the IRS and cash out courtesy of you. 

From phishing emails to scam phone calls, the IRS is once again warning of a deluge of scams that await taxpayers as we approach April 15, 2020 — Tax Day. 

The most prevalent of these types of frauds is the IRS imposter scam. Scammers will contact an unsuspecting taxpayer while impersonating the IRS. This is usually done over phone, email, or text message. 

In one version of this scheme, the fake IRS agent will tell its target that they owe taxes and demand they pay the amount due immediately. The victim will usually be told to pay via wire transfer or prepaid card to avoid penalties or punishment.  Read more…

More about Taxes, Scams, Tax Returns, Irs, and Scammers

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