
Apple CEO Tim Cook’s daily routine starts with waking up at 4 a.m. and reading customer emails

Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up early and starts his day by sifting through the hundreds of emails he gets from customers.

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook’s day starts at 4 a.m. and is full of hourslong meetings.
  • Cook is an intensely private person but has given some insights into his daily routine.
  • He’s said he reads hundreds of emails a day and is the last one to leave the office.

It takes a lot to The Wall Street Journal reported in 2014 that Cook didn’t work out on Apple’s campus, opting instead for a gym where he was less likely to run into his employees.

Cook told Axios in 2018 that working out helps “keeps my stress at bay.”

After his workout and a shower, Cook heads to Starbucks.
Tim Cook is known to relentlessly question employees in meetings that can last hours.

The Journal’s 2014 article reported that Cook’s weekly operations meetings could last five or six hours and that he was known to relentlessly question employees.

“‘Talk about your numbers. Put your spreadsheet up,’ he’d say as he nursed a Mountain Dew,” the Journal wrote.

Cook has since said he’s a big fan of Diet Mountain Dew, though Apple’s campus doesn’t stock it.

Mike Janes, the former head of Apple’s online store, told CNN Money in 2008 about an afternoon meeting with Cook.

“A number of us had tickets to see the Mets that night,” Janes said. “After hours, he was still drilling us with question after question while we were watching the clock like kids in school. I still have this vision of Tim saying, ‘Okay, next page,’ as he opened yet another energy bar. Needless to say, we missed the Mets game.”

He also has no problem sitting in silence until he gets a suitable answer.

“In meetings, he’s known for long, uncomfortable pauses, when all you hear is the sound of his tearing the wrapper of the energy bars he constantly eats,” CNN Money reported.

As a result, the Journal said, employees had learned to be prepared, cramming for the meetings as if they were tests.

For lunch, he keeps it pretty simple at the Apple cafeteria.
Tim Cook has said he’s one of the last to leave the office for the day.

“I’ll divide the day in terms of spending time with product teams or spending time with marketing teams or spending time with the executive team, and we’re either handling issues of the day or hopefully our balance is more on working on future stuff, and thinking about what’s next,” he said on Dua Lipa’s podcast.

When he was COO, he was known for being one of the first people in the office and one of the last people to leave.


After-hours, Cook’s life is pretty much a mystery.
Tim Cook’s hobbies include cycling and rock climbing.

We don’t know much about how Cook spends his weekends and evenings, though he’s outdoorsy and enjoys rock climbing and cycling.

The Journal reported his favorite vacation spots included the Yosemite and Zion national parks.

He has also vacationed at the Canyon Ranch resort in Arizona, where guests spotted him keeping to himself, often dining alone and reading on his iPad, Fortune’s 2012 profile of Cook said.

He’s also talked about using the Vision Pro at home to watch “Ted Lasso” and other TV shows while stretched out on the couch.

Áine Cain contributed to an earlier version of this story.